
Posted on Aug 25, 2023


TimeTable is a yet to be released webapp built by me!

The app is mainly focused on making the process of registering hours and sending travel receipts easier for both employees and employers easier. The app is mainly focused on smaller companies not needing the fully fledged account apps that other companies offer.

Timetable screenshot

The app is currently in development in a private repo.

As this has been a solo project, I have had the responsibility for choosing the tech stack entirely on my own. To make life easier as a solo dev I chose to utilize the relatively new platform Supabase for hosting the DB as well as offering Auth and object storage.

If you are interested, you can check out a live build. But keep in mind that this is not a production ready build and is mainly used for testing pourposes.

Technologies used for the project:

  • PostgreSQL
  • Supabase
  • NodeJS
  • Express
  • React 18
  • Typescript